What is Dynamic DNS (DDNS)?

What is Dynamic DNS (DDNS)?

DDNS stands for dynamic DNS, or most commonly called dynamic Domain Name System. DDNS is a service that maps a domain names to IP addresses. Using DDNS service you can access your home devices from anywhere. DDNS not  like DNS which only works with static IP addresses, DDNS is designed to also support dynamic IP addresses.

How DDNS Service Use

To use DDNS, just sign up with a dynamic DNS provider (Like; FreeDNS, No-ip) and install their software on the host computer or configure the device for DDNS if the device supports. however you must remember you can not choose any URL you want, you have to choose URL with their terms and conditions.

How DDNS Client software works

After installing DDNS providers software What the software does is monitors the dynamic IP address for changes. When the IP address changes, the software contacts the DDNS service providers servers to update your account with the new IP address. That is means as long as DDNS software up and running, You can access the devices with chosen URL.

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